For every $100 and $200 you spend, you’ll earn an exclusive Sale-A-Bration item for FREE! Depending on the amount you spend, you’ll be able to mix and match the Sale-A-Bration items you earn, and we have a stunning variety of stamp sets and Designer Series Paper for you to choose from! Shop now until 28 February.
Do you want to earn hostess rewards but can't host a party or afford to place a $250 order ? Talk to me about my "Clubs"
There are two ways to benefit:
Join one of my established clubs for a monthly fee and get free product and exclusive tutorials. My In Colour Club is a great way to get the latest "In Colours" products and you get the Stampin' Write Markers for FREE. Head over to my In Colour club page more information.
DIY club - Grab a group of friend and establish your own club. A group of 4 works well but can work with up to 12 people. Then you and your friends choose how much the group will committ to spend each week. For example, if there are 4 in your club and you want to each want to receive one hostess set per year club members each order approximately $63 (plus shipping) worth of products every 12 weeks (on a combined order) so the total value of the order is a minimum of $250. That's approximately $5.50 each week (to cover postage & handling as well) Over a year you will each receive hostess benefits. Anyone in the group can place a larger order. Talk to me and and I'll set you up with a hostess code each month.
Clubs are a great way for you share in hostess benefits. It's so easy.
Contact Me
To inquire about products, services, or to simply ask a question, please use the form below to contact me.